Friday, November 20, 2009

Go see this. At night.

There is a new mural -- and by "new" I mean "in a place where only decaying brick used to be" -- on the east side of the building where Este Downtown lives. You gotta see this at night. It's amazing.

A prime example of why art critics do not use the iPhone.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Fair question. Well . . .

1. I've been working waaaaaay too much. The cases I'm on are going richter and year end is coming. Two good reasons to bill as much as possible.

2. I've been trying to stay fit. Rumor has it that it will actually snow in the Wasatch soon. (Real snow, not this TG-weak-layer-waiting-to-fuck-us bad dream that we've been having.) So I've been trying -- and failing -- to follow MtnAthlete's dryland progression.

3. I've been drinking a lot of whole milk. Yes, you zone/paleo fuckers, whole milk. About a pint a day, and I feel great. My cholesterol remains a wild card.

4. I've been traveling. First to Hell on Earth (read: Phoenix) for a deposition, and then to the Tri-State Area (read: hell on earth) to visit family. Which brings me to . . .

My father was a pharmacist, then a sales rep for a major pharmaceutical company, and is now a pharmacist again. He has a sense of humor about it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A New Experiment: Week 4.

I finished my 4-week experiment with MtnAthlete a few weeks ago. The links below provide a summary of the final three workouts of the work-capacity cycle.
Monday (I needed 43 sprints and 39 sandbag get ups; I managed the former and failed the latter.)
Friday (31:58 -- I feel like I killed it on this one.)

The Scientist and I rewarded ourselves with an eating challenge -- 12 cake donuts for time. The Scientist crushed it in 23 minutes. I managed 9 donuts and most of a half-gallon of chocolate milk before my preternatural fear of vomiting shut me down.

The starting line . . .

Right about now we called our buddy Jason, who was attending a nutrition certification in Bozeman. The irony . . .

Nearing the end . . .