Monday, March 30, 2009

Upside down by twelve...

I didn't get to sleep until 2 a.m. last night -- The Wee One's flight was delayed, so I stayed at the firm and tried to keep burning -- and my body clock is fooked. It will take me a few days, if not the rest of the week, to pull it back together. Until then, my workouts are 12 hours off. Tonight's fun:

2 rounds of (25 situps, 25 air squats), then
20 back extensions
7 rounds of (7 burpees + 7 goblet squats, 50lbs)
Cool down:
1 mile on the treadmill at 9:00-ish pace

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My own spaghetti western. Sort of.

The Good: I toured Argenta yesterday with Dr. Sturges, The Manimal, and two other co-conspirators who are as yet un-nicknamed. The team was strong and melded well, the terrain was big and varied, and the snow was (mostly) light and fast. It was a fantastic tour.

After skinning to the summit of Kessler, we traversed to a point that we hoped was above an aesthetic chute on the skier's right side of the headwall. We spread out a little, with The Manimal and I snaking some fast turns through well spaced trees to start. Having skied the crap out of the chute, we enjoyed some GS-style tomfoolery on the creamy goodness of the slide path. The bottom third of the path was cooked, but it didn't matter. The buzz of the views and the skiing from the top was just too strong. Even Dr. Sturges, who augered into a foot of wet mank about 12 seconds after stripping down to his t-shirt, was all smiles as he extracted himself from his crater. I felt his sweet pain, having done something similar in a mid-run gully -- twice.

The Bad: I've been working all day on the brief that sidelined me on Friday. The weather has been gnarly, so it hasn't been all bad to be inside, except that I didn't work out, and...

The Ugly: The damn brief isn't done yet. Someday I will learn that everything -- everything -- takes me three times longer than expected to complete. It's going to be a long night. Happy place, go to your happy place.

Mrs. Manimal and The ULG climbing towards Mt. Wolverine, Spring '06.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm suddenly feeling better. Damn.

Nothing cures a young lawyer's white flu like an important brief with a short deadline. So be it. This is what they pay me for. I'm fortunate to have the job that I do, and there's always another storm.

But's gonna be deep. Soon...I'll get up there...soon...

Until then, I'll work hard and go to my happy place:

Luc, Linds, and the ULG scoping the entry to The Scythe, 06/07.

I might be coming down with something...

While lying awake at 4:00 a.m., I had a little debate with myself about whether to hit the gym "in the morning," which was 90 minutes away. I'm sore from the last three days, the bed was warm, and I'm lazy -- so I decided to sleep in. Then, at 8:00 a.m., the debate started again: should I hit the gym at noon? at 5:00? Sure, why not, I can handle a fourth day. And then I checked the avy report.
This could be the stormiest week of the winter…the mountains are getting slammed, with 48 hour storm totals alone pushing 3 feet in the Cottonwoods . . . A moist, northwest flow over northern Utah will keep snow continuing for most of the day, locally heavy at times through about noon. 4 to 7 additional inches are expected, with locally heavier amounts possible. . . There will be a break tonight through Saturday, with partly cloudy skies and warming temperatures. The hydrologists might be cracking a smile as the models show several more storms lined up to hit northern Utah, with the first on Sunday.

(Sniff) I think I might be coming down with something (cough cough). I think I can soldier through today, but I won't be able to make it to the office tomorrow. It's probably contagious. Anybody else feel something coming on?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I should be selling broadband...

This about sums it up:

WOD: 4 rounds for time:
15 hang power clean - 115#
20 supermans
25 abmat situps
Time: Dead last. At least I got my ass out of bed.

We made an interesting discovery this morning. One of the trainers at SLCCrossfit -- awesome gym, go there -- brought a friend. Poor choice (for the trainer, not the friend; the friend killed it). As the friend was leaving she turned to the trainer and said "Bye Boot." Boot?! Apparently, it's short for "Booty." Ahhh, nicknames. The gifts that keep on giving.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad day. F#ck it.

[WARNING: The following post is a serious whine tasting. Just move along. There's nothing to see here.]

Today's "fun" was the Filthy Fifty. My goal going in was to do it rx'd, which would have been a first for me. By about the 10th box jump, it was obvious that this was going to be an "off" day (more on that below), and it was. I felt s--l--o--w. Even the lunges, which are a strength for me, felt terrible. I stumbled through the double unders -- one at a time, just to check the damn box -- but I still blew it. I didn't use the GHD for the back extensions (which would have crushed me, to be honest). So no rx'd for me. Yet.

50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings
50 Lunges (25 per leg)
50 Knees 2 Elbows
50 Push Presses
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
42:something (read: awful...)

On having "off" days...
I'm effing tired of it. For as long as I have been playing in the mountains, I can remember at least one day out of every 10 where I fall apart within 100' of the trailhead. I get psyched, I feel ready, and there's just nothing in the tank. Lots of gumby, and no upper level. And there's no rhyme or reason to it. I've been on ski tours hungover, sleep deprived, and waaaaay out of shape -- and I crushed it. I've also had days where I'm rested, fed, and feeling "ready" -- and my legs felt like lead and I couldn't link three turns. WTF?!

This shit needs to stop. If anybody has any thoughts -- as if anybody reads this thing -- I'm all ears.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Back in the mix...

After a week out of the gym -- not a week totally slacking, but a week outside the gym nonetheless -- I got back in the game today.

WOD: MARCUM w/Row instead of Run.
400M Row
21 Box Jump Burpees
400M Row
15 Box Jump Burpees
400M Row
9 Box Jump Burpees

A lazy round of deadlifts. Consider it an entree to me trying to do more volume.
135x10, 135x5, 185x3, 235x3, 235x3, 235x3

I might have done more, but Vi kept interrupting my focus by showing me SNL clips on his new Mac. I find it interesting that the steely-eyed Vi Diamond is rendered a laughing 11-year-old by watching Justin Timberlake in a leotard. Watching Vi giggle was better than trying to "keep a flat back press through your heels wait why am I doing this SHUT UP AND PULL don't let your hips rise faster than your shoulders" a few more times.