Thursday, March 5, 2009

Back in the mix...

After a week out of the gym -- not a week totally slacking, but a week outside the gym nonetheless -- I got back in the game today.

WOD: MARCUM w/Row instead of Run.
400M Row
21 Box Jump Burpees
400M Row
15 Box Jump Burpees
400M Row
9 Box Jump Burpees

A lazy round of deadlifts. Consider it an entree to me trying to do more volume.
135x10, 135x5, 185x3, 235x3, 235x3, 235x3

I might have done more, but Vi kept interrupting my focus by showing me SNL clips on his new Mac. I find it interesting that the steely-eyed Vi Diamond is rendered a laughing 11-year-old by watching Justin Timberlake in a leotard. Watching Vi giggle was better than trying to "keep a flat back press through your heels wait why am I doing this SHUT UP AND PULL don't let your hips rise faster than your shoulders" a few more times.

1 comment:

  1. Haaaa! I'm actually still laughing. Fricking Youtube. Gotta love it.
