Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad day. F#ck it.

[WARNING: The following post is a serious whine tasting. Just move along. There's nothing to see here.]

Today's "fun" was the Filthy Fifty. My goal going in was to do it rx'd, which would have been a first for me. By about the 10th box jump, it was obvious that this was going to be an "off" day (more on that below), and it was. I felt s--l--o--w. Even the lunges, which are a strength for me, felt terrible. I stumbled through the double unders -- one at a time, just to check the damn box -- but I still blew it. I didn't use the GHD for the back extensions (which would have crushed me, to be honest). So no rx'd for me. Yet.

50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings
50 Lunges (25 per leg)
50 Knees 2 Elbows
50 Push Presses
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
42:something (read: awful...)

On having "off" days...
I'm effing tired of it. For as long as I have been playing in the mountains, I can remember at least one day out of every 10 where I fall apart within 100' of the trailhead. I get psyched, I feel ready, and there's just nothing in the tank. Lots of gumby, and no upper level. And there's no rhyme or reason to it. I've been on ski tours hungover, sleep deprived, and waaaaay out of shape -- and I crushed it. I've also had days where I'm rested, fed, and feeling "ready" -- and my legs felt like lead and I couldn't link three turns. WTF?!

This shit needs to stop. If anybody has any thoughts -- as if anybody reads this thing -- I'm all ears.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you've been getting at it a while now and your times on most things has gotten a lot lower/faster. But things are starting to stall out as you start to strategize on every WOD you do. Take a step back, drink some water and on your next few WODs, don't go in with a game plan and throw your body for a loop and just say fuck it and go all out. Let your body gas out and still finish the workout. Just add change to it more. It will grow from. As for off days. Everybody has them, I just tend not to pay attention to them. Eat more wings and drink more beer is my fix all..
