Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I should be selling broadband...

This about sums it up:

WOD: 4 rounds for time:
15 hang power clean - 115#
20 supermans
25 abmat situps
Time: Dead last. At least I got my ass out of bed.

We made an interesting discovery this morning. One of the trainers at SLCCrossfit -- awesome gym, go there -- brought a friend. Poor choice (for the trainer, not the friend; the friend killed it). As the friend was leaving she turned to the trainer and said "Bye Boot." Boot?! Apparently, it's short for "Booty." Ahhh, nicknames. The gifts that keep on giving.


  1. Maybe you finished last, but with some of the best form in the gym. Even took the hip flexors out of the sit ups. I didn't have the balls to do that.

    Boot... Loving it.
