Friday, June 19, 2009

New Tradition . . .

Jason has started a new tradition of Friday Morning Beatdowns and this morning was the inaugural event. Imagine that the trainers and some of the strongest clients from the gym got together to try and break themselves, and that they "blessed" me with an invitation to their party.

Recipe for abject failure? Oh, you betcha'.

Worth it? Absolutely. It was humbling, demoralizing, and inspiring all at the same time, and it'll pay off over time. . . if I don't break my back the way Sickle did.

Friday Morning Beatdown #1:
AMRAP in 60 minutes*
25 Calorie Row
15 Hang Power Cleans @ 95LBS
10 Push Press @ 115LBS
5 Back Squat @ 185LBS
5 Muscle Ups**
1 Deadlift @ 225LBS***
20 Ball Slams @ 20LBS
4 rounds in 1 hour 13 minutes-ish
* Everyone else -- except Sickle, who was sidelined in round 4 by a gnarly pull up disaster -- did ten rounds. Ten effing rounds!
** I managed 3 in the first round, 1 in the second, and 1 in the third. I sub'd 4 pull ups and 4 ring dips for the rest.
*** The rest of the crowd pulled 275lbs. Uugghhhh.

1 comment:

  1. Great work on Friday my brother. I hope you celebrated later with a beer. I can't wait to see what next Friday holds.
