Friday, July 24, 2009

Fall from Grace.

WOD: for time . . .
30 clean & jerks @ 135lbs
8:45 (first time rx'd)

Slow -- really slow compared to this -- but a huge improvement nonetheless.

Then I had breakfast at The Royal Eatery. Never do this. The food is lame and you will leave feeling like you need a shower. Why did I eat there? Because it's Pioneer Day and I just didn't have the patience to drive to Sandy in order to cross State Street. Frickin' Pioneer Day.


  1. One day I was driving by the Royal Eatery. There was this guy sitting at a window table putting ketchup on his food. For some reason, sitting at the red light, I was watching this guy. He adorned his food, then he licked the ketchup from the rim of the bottle, and casually put the lid back on. Just like he was at home. True story. DELICIOUS!

  2. Thankfully, I did not put ketchup on anything I ate there. And now I never will.
