Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm effing starving.

I've been trying to eat "right." No sugars, lots of lean protein, moderate amounts of whole grains. And what has that gotten me? A trip to the fucking tailor. My waist has lost an inch -- an inch I probably wanted to keep.

My strength keeps going up, for which I am grateful, but I wonder how much better I'd be doing if I ate A LOT more. Hell, it's worth a try, so for lunch I'll have a nice tuna salad sandwich -- that's right, you Zone fuckers, with mayo -- and I think I'll wash it down with a nice prime rib smoothie. Mmmmmm.

WOD: 10 rounds for time of
10 wall ball @ 20 lbs
10 toes to bar
29:20 -- Slooooow. Alex suspects I did 12 rounds instead of 10. Fine -- that's my excuse.