Friday, May 15, 2009

Just like a toddler...

If it's possible to lose your temper while working out, I did it this morning. I'm not saying that it was a full blown tantrum . . . just that I may have thrown the bar down in frustration. And then kicked it. While swearing at the top of my lungs.

WOD: Nancy
5 rounds for time
400m run
15 overhead squats @ 95lbs
32:10 (junkshow)
I've got the anger. Now I need the superhuman strength to match. And the green skin. Definitely need the green skin.

1 comment:

  1. Does cross-fit need to implement doping control? That sounds suspiciously like 'roid rage. If you start losing your hair and wearing baseball caps backward, we may need to have an intervention.
