Friday, May 1, 2009

Weak and slow, but less so...

Noon WOD: "Heavy" Overhead Squats
It was supposed to be 5 sets of 3, but everything went pear shaped in a hurry.
Not great -- I hadn't lifted over head in a while, and it showed -- but still waaaaay better than it used to be.

Evening Run: From Downtown to the top of the hill above the Bobsled four-way, down Terrace Hills, and back to Downtown. The views along the trail did not suck.

Life is just too good...

when you can run to views like these.

I gave up the ghost at the end and walked the last mile back to my office. It's better than last time, and I've still got a long way to go to survive the 18 miles of the Steeplechase.
8.5-ish miles, 1 hour 50 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Looking good bro. Your strength has grown tons since you first entered the dojo. Keep it up. Sounds like the running miles are getting higher. I'll be pacing off of you when I get back. Lack of altitude out here, crappy air quality, and jet lag is going to crush my little soul. I can't wait!
