Thursday, May 14, 2009

What are the chances?

As we all know, the url of this epic tome is:
So, say you accidentally transpose the 's' and the 'p' -- what could possibly go wrong?. Well, you'll find yourself here:

A bible study site that uses "upper level gumby" in its url? WTF?! Hey, I'm all for bible study, and I obviously endorse the concept of the upper level gumby, but mixing the two . . . I don't know. It's kind of like eating a can of tuna with a layer of strawberry jam on top.

Wait, I actually do that. Never mind...

Boring "training" update:
Tuesday's WOD:
It was supposed to be a long run, but by the time I got to the top of Memory Grove, I realized that I'd left my tiger* in the truck. So I did another three laps up Memory Grove -- walk/jog back to the start -- as hard as I could muster without exploding. My legs hurt, so I think it worked.

Legs and back were smoked. Slept in, ate lots, played with power tools in the back yard.

Today's WOD:
21 wall ball
21 deadlifts @ 175lbs
800m run
15 wall ball
15 deadlifts @ 175lbs
800m run
9 wall ball
9 deadlifts @ 175lbs
800m run
Muscle ups: 1, 1, 1 PR
3 rounds of (10 pullups, 5 ring dips)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know where you got the title. Upper Level Gumby is not something I have ever heard before, and I imagine there is a funny story lurking around.
