Friday, April 3, 2009

My legs hurt.

I woke up a little sore from yesterday's squats, and a little run down from a late night at the firm. I figured I would perk up if I got my blood flowing, so I headed to the gym. Most of me feels better -- loose, de-stressed -- except my quads. Yikes. Hopefully the vigorous application of alcohol and some quality time on the foam roller will aid tomorrow's return to glory.

Warm Up: The Scientist and I are going to have some words about the severity of this "warm up."
500m Row
100 singles
20 bumper plate squats (25lb)
10 ball cleans
5 strict pullups
10 ball cleans
20 bumper plate squats (25lb)
100 singles
500m Row

WOD: Grab a 20lb medicine ball, and without letting it touch the ground, perform the following:
50 wall balls
50 push press/push jerk
50 box jumps while holding the ball (18")
50 front squat
50 ball swings
50 wall balls

Creative rests were invented by all. The "Captain Morgan pose" -- one foot up on the box, ball resting on knee -- was particularly effective, and even a bit regal. Leaning against the wall and gasping was less so.

1 comment:

  1. Huh... I don't know if I should be hurt, or scared, or all of the above =(
